How to Naturally Get Rid of Athlete's Foot

How to Naturally Get Rid of Athlete's Foot

Athlete's foot, also known as tinea pedis, is a common fungal infection that thrives in warm moist areas. Once infected, feet itch, burn and sometimes sting. Cracked, scaly feet with blisters between the toes or along the outside of the feet may appear making it difficult to find relief. Preventive measures can often eliminate the exposure and protect feet from being infected in the first place, but for those times when you have already contracted this annoying infection there are home remedies to bring relief and may eliminate the infection altogether.

Things You'll Need:

Tea tree oil

Grapefruit seed extract

Apple cider vinegar

Hydrogen peroxide

Aloe vera gel

Vitamin E oil


Wash your feet and dry thoroughly. Be sure to dry between the toes.


Apply tea tree oil directly to your feet. Be sure to rub it in well on all areas of your feet. Repeat twice a day for a few weeks until all symptoms of athlete's feet have disappeared. You should notice a marked decrease in the discomfort of athlete's feet almost immediately.


Add tea tree oil to a warm foot bath and soak 2 to 3 times a day if you prefer not to rub the oil on your feet. This method will work in the same way as rubbing the oil onto the feet, but is not always as affective. Be sure to thoroughly dry your feet after soaking.


Mix 4 ounces of aloe vera gel with 1/2 teaspoon of tea tree oil. Fill a small spray bottle with the mixture and spray the infected area. Dry feet thoroughly before putting on socks.


Soak feet in a solution of 50% apple cider vinegar and 50% warm water for 20 minutes a day. Be sure to dry feet throughly after soaking. Apply vitamin E oil to sooth cracked feet and put on a clean dry pair of white socks. Some have reported results in as little as 3 days.


Apply two or three drops of extract of grapefruit seed to the palm of the hand and rub into the feet two or three times a day to bring relief and combat the infection.


Use a Q-tip to or cotton swab to apply hydrogen peroxide between the toes and on infected areas. Allow to dry thoroughly before dressing your feet.


Wear a pair of clean dry socks everyday. If your feet get moist from perspiration during the day, change socks if possible.


Wear loose comfortable shoes and avoid prolonged damp feet.

Tips & Warnings

Avoid wearing colored socks. The dye in the socks may irritate sore feet.

How to Naturally Cure Gout

How to Naturally Cure Gout

Gout used to be referred to as the "disease of kings", due to the fact that gout is usually caused by the type of diet "the good life" brings. Most common in men, gout pain is usually felt in the first joint of the big toe. Natural cures are often a very effective treatment.

Things You'll Need:



flaxseed oil





Diet is the first thing to evaluate. Eliminate alcohol intake, maintain a low-purine diet, increase complex carbohydrates and decrease simple carbohydrates. Also, maintain a low fat intake, and keep protein intake moderate.


Increase your intake of healthy fluids such as water and green tea.


Studies have shown cherries and blueberries to be effective in eliminating gout symptoms. Eat one half to one pound of fresh red-blue berries.


Quercetin is naturally found in fruits and vegetables, but supplementation can also help treat gout. For best results, take with bromelain, which is an exzyme complex of pineapple. Flax seed oil also has anti-inflammatory properties and can be helpful.


Consider trying to lose weight. Excess weight is also associated with an increased risk of gout.

How to Naturally Cure a Sinus Infection

How to Naturally Cure a Sinus Infection

As soon as you start to feel the pain and pressure of a sinus infection, try this remedy that has been used by many for years.

Things You'll Need:

Table salt

Warm water



Blow your nose until you can breath a little through it.


In one cupped hand, pour a teaspoon of table salt.


Add a little warm water to the salt and mix it with your finger.


Hold the hand up to your nose and snort the salt water in through each nostril.


After snorting the salt water, you should feel relief within five minutes or so.


You may have to do this once every few days to get the best results.

Tips & Warnings

It is best to do this over the sink so you don't make a mess.

If your symptoms don't get better, call your doctor.

How to Naturally Cure a Migraine

How to Naturally Cure a Migraine

How to cure a migraine naturally is something migraine suffers want to know as most of the prescribed medicines do very little to help.

Things You'll Need:

Fever few

Rice Bag

A can of soda with caffeine

A neck massage


Take feverfew capsules, an all-natural herb you can buy at any health food store or larger department stores. Although not specially designed for migraines it is one of the few natural herbs which help according to many migraine victims. Chase the feverfew capsules with a can of soda with caffeine.


Grab an ice pack from your freezer, or even a bag of frozen veggies and hold it on your forehead. Holding this over the eyes and eyebrow area will help clear your vision when you are suffering from a migraine.


Heat up a rice bag in your microwave. A rice bag was designed to ease the muscles in the back of your neck. It relaxes the muscles therefore improving blood flow during a migraine. If you do not have a rice bag, then take a hot shower.


Get a neck massage. Have someone rub the back of your neck. He will feel the knots which are tense muscles. This is where he should apply pressure to the point of a bit of little discomfort. This will ease the migraine.


Head to bed in a dark quiet room. This will remove any of the lingering effects of the migraine and the associated side effects.

Tips & Warnings

If a migraine persists for longer then usual or is different then usual, go to the hospital

If you feel light headed after vomiting and cannot keep anything down, get to the hospital quickly.

How to Naturally Clean Your Colon

How to Naturally Clean Your Colon

Feeling bloated or constipated is almost always related to the colon. Your colon is one of the major players in eliminating waste and toxins out of your body. Unfortunately your colon can also quite easily get mucked up with extra waste, causing not only discomfort, but it can also create a havoc on your health. So to keep your colon clean here are a couple of easy, natural cleansing methods to help keep your body working at its best.

Things You'll Need:


Fiber powder


Leafy greens


Your first step, as in any natural health regimen, is to increase your water intake. Most of the United States population does not drink adequate amounts of water. With a mechanism that is made up of more than 60 percent water, you can see why it's important to stay well hydrated.


Your next step is to increase your fiber intake. You should be getting between 25 and 30 grams of fiber a day. An easy way to increase your fiber is to sprinkle a fiber powder supplement on your food, or grab a fiber supplement that can be mixed in the water that you now will be drinking a lot of. Also, you can increase your intake of foods with lots of fiber such as whole wheat products, lentils, and peas.


Change the rest of your diet outside of just more fiber. In the last 50 years, Americans have slowly moved to an incredible amount of refined foods high in sugar, salt, and a host of unnecessary chemicals. These ingredients are one of the main culprits for digestive disorders so it makes sense that if they are removed from your diet, it should help to detoxify the colon.


Now that you have removed the bad stuff, increase the good stuff for your diet.


Now for the actual cleanse. Start your cleanse with a juice fast. Vegetable juice is best but fruit juice is OK as well. Using a juicer is also the best to assure that there are no extra added sugars or preservatives. After about three days of liquid fasting, slowly move to solid vegetables especially various types of greens. Greens are great at scraping all the excess fecal matter from your colon leaving your insides clean and healthy. You can slowly add in chicken and other lean meats at this point as well.


Finally it's time to realize that a cleanse is pointless unless you change the lifestyle that led to the need for a cleanse in the first place. Try to cut out as much refined junk as you can, and replace it with lots of raw vegetables, fruits and lean meats. Also keep drinking water and ingesting plenty of fiber and your colon will be ready for the long haul.

Tips & Warnings

Colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in the United States, so take these methods and incorporate them into your daily diet to help prevent colon cancer.

How to Muscle Test

How to Muscle Test

Muscle testing is elegantly simple, surprisingly accurate, and easy to learn. It is based on the body's own energy field and the effect different things have on that field.

Researchers discovered that positive stimuli (anything that is beneficial to the subject) either physical or mental, will make the body go strong. Negative stimuli (anything harmful to the subject) will make them test weak.

This method is valuable to test for the potential of foods, medicines, and supplements to be beneficial or harmful.

Also if the subject is allergic to the substance being tested, their body will go weak.

Things You'll Need:

Two people

Substance being tested


The subject (the person being tested) holds the substance in question against his or her solar plexus with one hand.


The subject then extends their other arm out parallel to the ground.


The second person, the tester, stands in front of the subject and presses down with two fingers on the wrist of the extended arm saying "resist."


The subject resists the downward pressure as strongly as they can.


The arm will either become strong and locked against the downward pressure, or will weaken and drop.

Tips & Warnings

Before testing, both people should remove metal like watches and eyeglasses. They should also remove hats. Synthetic material on the top of the head makes everyone go weak.

Put electronic articles such as cell
and pagers at a distance as these also make everyone test weak.

There should be no music playing as different types of music can have a strengthening or weaking effect (an interesting test in itself).

It can be helpful for the subject to close their eyes to avoid distractons.

If the substance seems to have no effect on the subject's strength, it is not harmfull, but also not something the subject needs.

If results seem ambiguous, try moving to another room and performing the test again.

With just a little practice anyone can become proficient at muscle testing.

Never test on an injured arm.

Do not use muscle-testing as a substitute for medical advice.

How to Mitigate Morning Sickness With Herbs

How to Mitigate Morning Sickness With Herbs

Having a baby can be a great joy for many women, but with it comes a number of physical conditions that can be challenging and unpleasant for some women. Morning sickness is a feeling of nausea that often results in vomiting. It occurs primarily in the first trimester of
(the first three months). It is thought that morning sickness happens because of the rapid, dramatic hormonal changes that happen in a woman’s body during the early months of her pregnancy. Keeping the stomach calm is key; you’ll quickly learn which foods do not agree with you. Listen to your body and avoid the things that seem to make you nauseous. Soothing herbs such as ginger can be helpful in settling the stomach and preventing morning sickness. Eating smaller, more frequent meals can also be helpful for eliminating the queasiness of morning sickness.

Things You'll Need:

Ginger root tea

Lavender flowers

Peppermint leaf

Wild yam root

Orange peel


Make a safe, gentle tea from ginger root. Use fresh ginger (dried ginger is not recommended). For each cup of water, slice about four rings of ginger root and place them in water in a non-metallic pan. Simmer for a few minutes, allow to cool slightly and then drink two to three times each day before your meals.


Drink some ginger tea before you depart for a ride in a car or an airplane.


Take the following herbs to calm your stomach:
flowers, peppermint leaf, wild yam root and orange peel. You can make tea from one or all of these herbs by combining one teaspoonful of each dried herb for each quart of water. Boil the water first in a non-metallic pan and then add the herbs and allow to simmer for no longer than five minutes. Let it steep for 20 minutes and then strain. Drink one cup of this tea two to three times each day before your meals.

Tips & Warnings

Dry toast and saltine crackers are old standbys for pregnant women who suffer from morning sickness or nausea at any time of the night or day. Eating a couple of crackers or a piece of toast has a calming effect on the stomach. Carry a few saltine crackers with you at all times and munch on one every time your stomach feels queasy.

Make certain that orange peel, if you choose to use it for tea, has not been sprayed with any pesticides. Fresh organic oranges are available at natural foods stores or you can purchase dried orange peel.

Always consult a qualified health care practitioner before using any herb, especially if you are pregnant or nursing or if you are taking any prescribed medications.

How to Minimize PMS Symptoms Naturally

How to Minimize PMS Symptoms Naturally

Ask any woman who has experienced PMS each month and she will have no shortage of stories and complaints about the condition. PMS can cause physical discomfort and put you on an emotional roller coaster. Try using these natural remedies whenever you find yourself falling victim to the "monthly curse."

Things You'll Need:

Ginger tea

Borage oil capsules

Kelp or iron tablets


Drop 1 or 2 teabags of your favorite ginger tea into a mug of boiled water. You can add honey or any type of sweetener. Ginger contains pain-relieving and anti-cramping compounds that make it a fantastic alternative for those who want to avoid using traditional medicine.


Take borage oil capsules as directed on the bottle. Borage oil is available at health food stores and is an excellent source of gamma lineolic acid, which has anti-inflammatory agents with few if any side effects. Like most alternative remedies, it is effective but not instantaneous. To feel the effects it must be taken regularly over time. You will notice its effects four to six weeks after beginning a regimen with it. Benefits include a sharp decrease in cramps, an elevated mood and fewer aches and pains during your period.


Every time your body endures a menstrual cycle, you are losing blood which is rich in iron. This is one of the reasons why many women feel weak and lethargic during this time. Replace your lost iron with nutrient-rich kelp or kelp tablets. Take as directed on the bottle. If you aren't a big fan of kelp, try adding iron tablets to your daily regimen.

Tips & Warnings

You can alternate between different sources of gamma lineolic acid (GLA) to see which source works best for you. Evening Primrose Oil and Black Currant Oil are also excellent sources.

Try setting aside fifteen minutes each day for breathing and relaxation exercises. Anything that helps your body relax and puts you in a better frame of mind will help you conquer your PMS.

Always check with your doctor before beginning an alternative therapy regimen, to see if it will interfere with any drugs that you are taking or conditions that you may currently have.