How to Minimize PMS Symptoms Naturally

How to Minimize PMS Symptoms Naturally

Ask any woman who has experienced PMS each month and she will have no shortage of stories and complaints about the condition. PMS can cause physical discomfort and put you on an emotional roller coaster. Try using these natural remedies whenever you find yourself falling victim to the "monthly curse."

Things You'll Need:

Ginger tea

Borage oil capsules

Kelp or iron tablets


Drop 1 or 2 teabags of your favorite ginger tea into a mug of boiled water. You can add honey or any type of sweetener. Ginger contains pain-relieving and anti-cramping compounds that make it a fantastic alternative for those who want to avoid using traditional medicine.


Take borage oil capsules as directed on the bottle. Borage oil is available at health food stores and is an excellent source of gamma lineolic acid, which has anti-inflammatory agents with few if any side effects. Like most alternative remedies, it is effective but not instantaneous. To feel the effects it must be taken regularly over time. You will notice its effects four to six weeks after beginning a regimen with it. Benefits include a sharp decrease in cramps, an elevated mood and fewer aches and pains during your period.


Every time your body endures a menstrual cycle, you are losing blood which is rich in iron. This is one of the reasons why many women feel weak and lethargic during this time. Replace your lost iron with nutrient-rich kelp or kelp tablets. Take as directed on the bottle. If you aren't a big fan of kelp, try adding iron tablets to your daily regimen.

Tips & Warnings

You can alternate between different sources of gamma lineolic acid (GLA) to see which source works best for you. Evening Primrose Oil and Black Currant Oil are also excellent sources.

Try setting aside fifteen minutes each day for breathing and relaxation exercises. Anything that helps your body relax and puts you in a better frame of mind will help you conquer your PMS.

Always check with your doctor before beginning an alternative therapy regimen, to see if it will interfere with any drugs that you are taking or conditions that you may currently have.