How to Naturally Get Rid of Athlete's Foot

How to Naturally Get Rid of Athlete's Foot

Athlete's foot, also known as tinea pedis, is a common fungal infection that thrives in warm moist areas. Once infected, feet itch, burn and sometimes sting. Cracked, scaly feet with blisters between the toes or along the outside of the feet may appear making it difficult to find relief. Preventive measures can often eliminate the exposure and protect feet from being infected in the first place, but for those times when you have already contracted this annoying infection there are home remedies to bring relief and may eliminate the infection altogether.

Things You'll Need:

Tea tree oil

Grapefruit seed extract

Apple cider vinegar

Hydrogen peroxide

Aloe vera gel

Vitamin E oil


Wash your feet and dry thoroughly. Be sure to dry between the toes.


Apply tea tree oil directly to your feet. Be sure to rub it in well on all areas of your feet. Repeat twice a day for a few weeks until all symptoms of athlete's feet have disappeared. You should notice a marked decrease in the discomfort of athlete's feet almost immediately.


Add tea tree oil to a warm foot bath and soak 2 to 3 times a day if you prefer not to rub the oil on your feet. This method will work in the same way as rubbing the oil onto the feet, but is not always as affective. Be sure to thoroughly dry your feet after soaking.


Mix 4 ounces of aloe vera gel with 1/2 teaspoon of tea tree oil. Fill a small spray bottle with the mixture and spray the infected area. Dry feet thoroughly before putting on socks.


Soak feet in a solution of 50% apple cider vinegar and 50% warm water for 20 minutes a day. Be sure to dry feet throughly after soaking. Apply vitamin E oil to sooth cracked feet and put on a clean dry pair of white socks. Some have reported results in as little as 3 days.


Apply two or three drops of extract of grapefruit seed to the palm of the hand and rub into the feet two or three times a day to bring relief and combat the infection.


Use a Q-tip to or cotton swab to apply hydrogen peroxide between the toes and on infected areas. Allow to dry thoroughly before dressing your feet.


Wear a pair of clean dry socks everyday. If your feet get moist from perspiration during the day, change socks if possible.


Wear loose comfortable shoes and avoid prolonged damp feet.

Tips & Warnings

Avoid wearing colored socks. The dye in the socks may irritate sore feet.